August 16, 2010

Photos That Move...Magically

A few months ago, EW bought us a water-proof camera so that we can take it with us to the tropical destinations that we travel to. While playing around with the camera in Vieques, Puerto Rico, we discovered a cool feature that we didn't know about.

The camera can take moving pictures!!! (Not the same thing as video) The camera goes *SNAP SNAP SNAP* and takes a bunch of pictures in a row which if put together, creates a moving picture. It's a really useful feature if you want to capture the perfect shot with a moving subject.

Here's an example of me drinking a Corona at a beach cafe in San Juan, Puerto Rico:

Cool huh?

Ok, now that I look at this, it kinda look sexual. And sorry about my super frizzy hair but my hair always looks like that in humid weather.


I recently posted up a photo of myself doing a full split in the air on the beach and I had some people message me and tell me that it looks like I photoshopped myself into the air. Like seriously? I know my Photoshop skills are amazing, but my photos NEVER lie.

And here is the proof!!!!

I took these photos on the private beach of the W Hotel Retreat in Vieques, Puerto Rico.

So there!! Screw all you people who didn't believe me. And thank you to all of those who did :)

I also took moving pictures of EW doing a ballerina twirl on the beach but if I posted it for your viewing pleasure, not only would I be minus one boyfriend I would probably have a lawsuit on my hands.

But just to let you know, you are soooo missing out by not seeing it. You would have been laughing for days. Sucks for you...

Here's another one more we did on the beach.

If you look closely, you will notice that I start off the spin with sunglasses on. And when I spin around I am magically sun-glassless. No it's not a magic trick. It's just me being completely careless with my Gucci sunglasses.

But I think of it this way...If you don't have any scratches on your designer sunglasses, you have no stories to tell.

My glasses being flung off my head. Can you imagine of that was an actual hairstyle?

And here is me failing miserably at trying to catch them.

Oh well..

Me at work at an S&M club event. The Asian dude in the background is totally into me.

This one looks like I am doing the YMCA dance!!

The dancing images were all taken by Brian fav event photographer in the city :)


On another note, I have recently discovered that we have a blender in our kitchen! I made yummy banana peanut butter smoothies the other day. And today, I tried making a coffee smoothie which tasted like coffee flavored poop. I think the hot coffee melted all of the ice cubes so it wasn't even really a smoothie. It was just watered down coffee with milk. YUCK

So if anyone has any really good smoothie recipes I can try out that are healthy and not too hard to make...send them to me!!

Thanks y'all.

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Unknown said...

haha, I love you jumping around... esp the first one on the beach...

Anonymous said...

one trick with the coffee smoothies is to freeze coffee (after it's cool/room temperature) and make coffee ice cubes, then use the ice cubes in a smoothie : )

Jess said...

Strawberry, banana, and mango. Don't be so banana heavy, but more mango heavy.

You can use ice and some orange juice to blend it.

A personal favorite.

Jewelz said...

Anonymous: I didn't think of that! That's an awesome idea..trying it tomorrow.

Jess: Anything I make with banana becomes banana heavy. You can never have too much banana in my opinion.

D Lee Christy-Photo said...

animated gifs... I've tried to post them here, but facebook doesn't seem to like them... They can be very interesting.

Jewelz said...

I think FB should allow them. Myspace did!

D Lee Christy-Photo said...

I didn't know that... thanks... I have a little piece of software that does that, used to be fun to mess with it... sometimes the results can be "sexual" as you say, and sometimes really comical.

Anonymous said...

You hawt. We really do love you, Jewelz.
