June 10, 2010

Blinging My Stuff

I recently have become obsessed with something kind of silly.


After buying my crystal iphone case in Vegas for $99 (reduced from $150) I fell in love with the shiny, crystal, girly look of it and decided to buy a similar case for my Canon Powershot.

The photo really doesn't do the iphone justice. The crystals are so shiny and sparkle in the light when you move it. So pretty.

I searched for the Canon crystal case for like 50 million hours online and no stupid crystal cases were available! Usually I can find anything through Google, but they just don't make them.

I did find a website that will bling anything that you send them but the prices are ridiculous, like $1,000 to bling your laptop...WTF? Or $700 to bling your phone!!!!!!

So being the masterful artist that I am, I decided to bling my own damn stuff!!! FOR FREE...plus the cost of gems and glue :)

And here began my new obsession...blinging everything I own. It's like damn crack to me, I can't stop and I estimate in about 5 years, my entire house will be blinged out.

I forced EW to take me to AC Moore to buy little rhinestones and they had the saddest collection of rhinestones I have ever seen. They looked all cheap and plastic, and not very shiny. I NEED SHINY!!

I bought a bunch of pink ones anyway because I'm impatient and needed to start blinging right away. Plus the pink ones kind of matched my laptop. I figure I can buy the nice Swarovski ones later online.


The first thing I blinged out was my Canon Powershot. I was really worried to do it because what if the gems just fall off after the glue dries? Then I will be stuck with a $250 camera with a bunch of dried-up glue gunk all over it...bleh.

So I followed the instructions very carefully. Here is what I used to bling out my camera.



First, I applied the glue all over the surface of the camera with a satay stick. You can use anything really, toothpick..chopstick..your finger...ok maybe not your finger.

Then carefully, one by one, I glued the gems all over the surface. I used large 5mm gems because was too afraid to use little ones for my first time. And now I kind of regret it because smaller ones would have made a better more sparly effect. Oh well.

Here is what it looks like post blinging!

Sorry for the horrible picture but I obviously can't take a photo of my Canon with my Canon so had to use my phone to take the pic thus blurry.

I love! Now I def have the cutest cam out of anyone I know. Ok, it's a little sloppy looking but it's my first time and I will get better I promise.

My next blinging venture was my laptop. EW got me a pink laptop for my bday and I absolutely love it but it needed something extra. Something sparkly extra!!

I used the pink cheap rhinestones from AC Moore and spent about an hour blinging it. And OMG, it seriously looks soooo good. Very professionally done and I'm very proud of myself.

I had a few rhinestones left over (Ok maybe like 3 bags leftover, I def bought too many), so I decided to bling my mouse too.

Can you tell my obsession is getting bad yet???


Ok, now I am sitting here like a crackhead going through withdraw because I have no clue what to bling next! I already blinged out all of my electronics and I am certain EW won't let me bling out his phone, cam, or laptop.

UGH! What to do..what to doo??

I'm thinking of maybe blinging the edge of our flat screen tv? No.. EW would murder me in my sleep. How about my toothbrush?? No, water would get under little gems and grow mold..gross.

I could bling the back side of EW's underwear and he would never know because what guy looks at his ass in uderwear! Hah, he would be walking around with a blinged butt and not even know hahaha.

Ok back to being serious, I think I need some more time to think about it before I go bling crazy. If anyone wants something blinged..call me!!! I'll do it for cheap and not $1,000 like those stupid rip off people :)

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Them Huynh said...

i like it

Vendi Kamaci said...

you can buy nice, small swarovski crystals on their crystallized website in bulk.

Nelly Volyansky said...

i feel like blingig out my phone now ...lol
